Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.
Flying to Anaheim for the Society of Vineyard Scholars’ Annual Meeting
I was supposed to fly to Anaheim today for the Society of Vineyard Scholars' annual meeting. But then a nice little ice storm shut down almost all flights heading west. So I ended up spending one more day in Minneapolis with my parents and will be getting on a plane...

Dealing with People Who Don’t Listen: 5 Practical Ways to Demonstrate the Spirit
When I first started pastoring, I was told by numerous people that it would take a number of years before people would respect my views. In many ways, the first few years of serving as a pastor is spent earning people's trust. Can you be trusted? Will you be leaving...
The Church: Advocating Justice and Empowering the Marginalized
This morning I listened (and watched) a poem by Dede Hunt called "Who is Sara Baartman." The video is a bit graphic, so for those of you who may push "play," you've been warned. In the poem, Dede challenges African Americans to remember Sara while also challenging...
On Finding Quotes on the Resurrection for Easter…
This past week I read a lot on the Resurrection. This time of year always gives me opportunity to turn afresh to books that I haven't looked at for awhile. So I read a lot of books and articles on the subject. I wanted to post a quote, today, on the Resurrection. But...

On Being Suspect: Why I’m Cautious About Both Pragmatic Practitioners & Scholars
I am cautious about pragmatic practitioners and scholars. I fear that any attempt to explain this may alienate people I love and care for, as well as trust. But I also believe that it's helpful for different perspectives to interact and communicate about their ideas....
Postmodernism Calls the Church to Embrace the Ancient!
I love what James K. A. Smith writes here: "I will argue that the postmodern church could do nothing better than be ancient, that the most powerful way to reach a postmodern world is by recovering tradition, and that the most effective means of discipleship is found...

Devote Yourself to the Public Reading of Scripture, by Jeffrey D. Arthurs
Many suggest that the modern church no longer values the public reading of Scripture. There are a variety of reasons for this, from a lower view of the authority, sufficiency, and value of Scripture to the sad fact that when the Bible is read, it is often read poorly....

Everyday Church, by Tim Chester & Steve Timmis
Fair warning. I am a huge fan of just about everything that I read from Tim Chester. It's borderline "fan boy" status. Some people like Piper or Driscoll or Warren or Stetzer a lot. I like Chester a lot. What he writes about the gospel and about community resonates in...

A Rejoinder On “Promoting Theological Education”
My good friend, Brian Fulthorp, has written a blog post that I think raises some good issues - "On Promoting Theological Education." His concerns are related to a new ministry focus by The Gospel Coalition (TGC) called "Theological Famine Relief." TGC's vision is as...
The Good News of the Kingdom Brings Transformation
"The good news of the gospel is that the hostility of the heart toward God and disordered love toward others are transformed into new affections with a new disposition toward God and all that he desires for his creation." (Anthony B. Bradley in The Kingdom of God,...