Mission Equates to Church Planting

Mission Equates to Church Planting

Similar to what I argued recently about how a disciple making movement becomes a church planting movement, I was scanning through portions of one of my favorite books ever written… Total Church, by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. If you do not own this book, stop...
Reviewing a book on Mentoring Women

Reviewing a book on Mentoring Women

This review, to be honest, is a bit awkward feeling. How can a man review a book on women mentoring women? On one hand, I have a great mother, five sisters, three daughters, and a fantastic wife who is involved in mentoring women. On the other hand, I’m a dude....
William Seymour’s “love in the face of hate”

William Seymour’s “love in the face of hate”

The Book of Hebrews provides what is arguably the best narrative theology of the “communion of saints” in chapter 11. Often referred to as the “chapter of faith,” the writer describes the faith of the Patriarchs and Prophets and a few others...
How’s Your Church’s “On Ramp”?

How’s Your Church’s “On Ramp”?

As we’ve entered into the fall, our attendance at Trinity Christian Fellowship has been growing and we’re seeing new and old faces, together. It’s beautiful to see Jesus’ community gathered to experience the Spirit’s presence/empowerment....
Interview with Kevin Scott…

Interview with Kevin Scott…

A few months ago I posted a review of Kevin Scott’s absolutely fantastic book ReCreatable (review here). Kevin was kind enough to answer a few questions for us and I want to again encourage you to pick up his book! It’s excellent....