A “How To” Guide to Celebrating Communion (part 3)
While countless gallons of ink have been spilt on the biblical-theological issues related to the Eucharist, I've found that less work has been done on the "how to" aspect of celebrating Communion. So I started a series laying out a variety of models and issues...
Inviting Millennials to the Spirit, Church, and Mission
Boomers. Generation X. And now the Millennials. Sociologists can be very helpful for church leaders who are interested in understanding large demographic groups. As with all generalizations, these sociological observations are not perfect, but they are often quite...
A “How To” Guide to Celebrating Communion (part 2)
As I interact a lot with pastors and church planters and often am asked how to "do" certain ecclesial activities (things done among the Church), I've noticed over the past few years that many questions I've been asked are how the Lord's Supper should be celebrated in...
A “How To” Guide to Celebrating Communion (part 1)
As anyone who has been in the Vineyard for a bit of time can tell you, there's no such as the Vineyard way of doing a lot of things. Our movement is diverse enough that you'll find a lot of great ways to do things, from a lot of great women and men spread across the...
Everyone Gets to Mother: A Vineyardized Challenge for the Church to be a Community that Nurtures
I grew up with an amazing mom, so celebrating Mother's Day is really easy for me. It's probably easy for many people. But if we’re going to be honest, and I believe that the Church should be a place where speaking truth in love is safe and encouraged… if we’re honest,...
*ALERT!* Mother’s Day Resource: Making Sense of Motherhood: Biblical and Theological Perspectives (a review)
This coming Sunday is Mother's Day and if you are going to be preaching this week, you've probably been looking for some resources that would help you with your sermon. Thus, it only seems fitting to review Making Sense of Motherhood: Biblical and Theological...
Stephen Motyer’s Biblical Theology on Maranatha
Growing up in a church environment that made use of "end times charts," I've not always found books on the second coming of Jesus all that helpful. Far too many authors have too little understanding of the biblical authors' worldview and spend most of their time...
Reading Scripture with the Blessed Trinity
Throughout my theological training, I've always loved studying hermeneutics, the "art and science of biblical interpretation." One reason I've really enjoyed this topic is because as I've taken numerous graduate level courses, both in seminary and in a graduate...
“Dwelling in the Land,” a review
As one of my recent reviews reveals, there are many resources available for Christians interested in having a better understanding of what Scripture says regarding homosexuality, engaging homosexuals, and how the Church should respond to questions about issues related...
“Critical Conversations,” by Tom Gilson (a blog tour review)
In a fast changing world that is still in a "sexual revolution," many Christian parents have expressed to me a great deal of concern and frustration, especially in regards to how they should go about addressing the various subjects with their children. Quite...
Three Complex(!) Reasons Why I *Think* Dual-Baptism *Might* Work
Throughout the 2,000 year history of the Church, the subject of baptism has produced a wide variety of approaches. It is essentially impossible to suggest that the Church has a monolithic approach to the topic because history proves otherwise. And while baptismal...
The Spirit’s Mission of Sharing God’s Love via Healing
So this morning I came upon an interesting quote by Craig L. Blomberg, a New Testament professor at Denver Seminary: Miraculous healings can and do occur today. They are perhaps most prevalent in areas into which the kingdom of God is advancing for the first time, or...
Risk & Reward: The Journey of Following Jesus
In Galatians 5:25, the Apostle Paul writes that we are to "walk by the Spirit." The New Living Translation states we are to "follow the Spirit's leading in every part of our lives." Commenting on the Greek word stoicheō, which our English bible's translate as "walk,"...
The Vocation of the Spirit: What’s your job?
Perhaps the finest book on the Holy Spirit, apart from what we read in Scripture, is Clark Pinnock's Flame of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit. I consistently find myself recommending it to people in my church, at conferences, and pretty much anywhere else I go....
Come Holy Spirit, empower the Church for God’s Mission!
As a follower of Jesus serving the Lord as a pastor-theologian, I have come to love the intersection between the Spirit, the Church, and the Missio Dei. Wrapped up in the divine plan of the Trinity we find that the Father sent the Son who sent the Spirit who sends us...
Creating a Welcoming Culture for the Sake of New Guests
One of my favorite verses in the entire Bible powerfully articulates the profound beauty of the gospel and how that message should impact the way we relationally live our lives with those around us. Paul writes: "Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed...
Vineyarding in England: Jesus, the Kingdom, and the Church
For the past two weeks I've been in the U.K. with my good friend Steve Nicholson. When I first announced to some friends that I'd be heading to England this year, they asked me why. My answer was simple: Steve is a pneumatological Jedi Knight. One would have to be, as...
Be a Farmer Who Trusts in God’s Work: Follow Me (Part 14)
Thus far, our series, "Follow Me," has been exploring the Gospel of Mark and exploring many of the issues related to discipleship. Last week, Brad Blocksom looked at Mark 4:21-25, "A veiled message destined to be revealed." This week we're diving right into the next...
An Exciting New Book on the Trinity: “Reordering the Trinity”
This past Sunday I asked the congregation what are some of the central beliefs of the Church... the non-negotiables, so to speak. I was absolutely delighted to hear one of my friends say, "the Trinity!" Yes! Yes, yes, and yes! As a committed advocate of trinitarian...
Spirituality without On-going Repentance is *Not* Christian Spirituality
“Christians don't need to repent,” said the young man. “Jesus died for our sins… past, present, and future,” he continued, “so you don't need to spend all of your time asking him for forgiveness. He has already forgiven you!” According to this young man, all the...
Inviting Millennials to the Spirit, Church, and Mission
Boomers. Generation X. And now the Millennials. Sociologists can be very helpful for church leaders who are interested in understanding large demographic groups. As with all generalizations, these sociological observations are not perfect, but they are often quite...
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