As a follower of Jesus serving the Lord as a pastor-theologian, I have come to love the intersection between the Spirit, the Church, and the Missio Dei. Wrapped up in the divine plan of the Trinity we find that the Father sent the Son who sent the Spirit who sends us into the world around us for the sake of God’s great mission.
In the Vineyard, as Ele Mumford noted at the 2015 Global Conference, our favorite prayer is “Come Holy Spirit.” We long for the Spirit’s presence and power because when we believe that God’s presence is the key to effective ecclesiology which, in turn, brings about effective mission.
If, as Christopher J. H. Wright suggests, God’s mission is to make himself known, it’s fair to say that, at the very least, the Holy Spirit has been sent to empower the Church for God’s mission of proclaiming Jesus to the ends of the earth! The Holy Spirit hasn’t come to the Church simply to comfort the Church, contrary to some who suggest it is all about the “warm fuzzies.”
[tweetthis url=””]The Holy Spirit has been sent to empower the Church for God’s mission[/tweetthis]
I’ve started this new blog in order to focus a bit more on areas where these three streams connect, especially in the life of a Vineyard church, for a Vineyard pastor. So I suspect that in the future you’ll find a fair amount of articles that address topics ranging from prayer, ministry, preaching, missiology, evangelism, discipleship, and much more. In most of what I will contribute here, I intend to try and connect the work of the Spirit to how it fleshes out in the Church toward God’s mission.
And, from time to time, I’ll share about my latest fly fishing exploits and other areas of my life.
Luke is a pastor-theologian living in northern California, serving as a co-lead pastor with his life, Dawn, at the Red Bluff Vineyard. Father of five amazing kids, when Luke isn’t hanging with his family, reading or writing theology, he moonlights as a fly fishing guide for Confluence Outfitters. He blogs regularly at and regularly contributes to his YouTube channel.
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