by Luke Geraty | Aug 6, 2013 | Posts
I’m curious about whether any of you pastors and scholars have opinions on how textual criticism finds its way into sermons on Sunday. Perhaps the question needs to be stated as Should preachers talk about textual criticism? Some of you might be wondering what,...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 21, 2013 | Posts
Many suggest that the modern church no longer values the public reading of Scripture. There are a variety of reasons for this, from a lower view of the authority, sufficiency, and value of Scripture to the sad fact that when the Bible is read, it is often read poorly....
by Luke Geraty | Feb 8, 2013 | Posts
Continuing our look at D. F. Wright’s essay on Pauline sexual ethics, we read about the apostle Paul’s thoughts on “sex in relationship.” He writes, “Paul cites Genesis 2:24 (“the two will become one flesh”) to demonstrate what is...
by Luke Geraty | Nov 24, 2012 | Posts
According to D. F. Wright, Paul’s second concern is under the title, “Sex, Self and Christ.” He explains this as follows: For Paul sexual intercourse is not on a par with the satisfying of other natural appetites like eating. To that extent his...
by Luke Geraty | Nov 14, 2012 | Posts
Today I was reading through a section of the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters on the issue of sexual ethics. As many others have mentioned, I believe this will be one of the foremost issues that the church faces in the next few years. How will Christians stand for...
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