Robert Culver on the Virgin Birth in the Ancient Church

Robert Culver on the Virgin Birth in the Ancient Church

“With regard to the conception, the Old Roman Creed, of very great antiquity, says He ‘was born of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.’ The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (AD 325, 381) says He ‘was made flesh of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became...
Robert Culver on the Virgin Birth in the Ancient Church

The Exalted Lamb of God @ the Center of the Throne…

Commenting on Revelation 5:1-14, Grant Osborne writes, “The exalted majesty of God in chapter 4 leads to the exaltation of the Lamb, also at “the center of the throne” (5:6) and also celebrated in worship (5:8–14). The unity of God and the Lamb is obviously a...