Two Good Books on Healing

Two Good Books on Healing

I thought I’d point out two good books on the subject of healing and miracles, though they also cover a lot more ground (Christology): Jesus the Miracle Worker by Graham H. Twelftree and Israel’s Divine Healer by Michael L. Brown. I’ve been reading...
Speaking in Tongues as Spiritual Warfare?

Speaking in Tongues as Spiritual Warfare?

One of the theological backdrops to Pauline theology would be the Old Testament, right? After all, the apostle Paul quotes the OT quite a bit as an established authority for the early Christian communities (e.g., Rom. 1:17; 2:24; 3:4, 10; 1 Cor. 9:9; 14:21, etc.). So...
What is the Holy Spirit’s Purpose in the Church?

What is the Holy Spirit’s Purpose in the Church?

In J.I. Packer’s Keep in Step with the Spirit, the Spirit is said to have a specific function in the life of the church. As I’ve been teaching on the Spirit’s work and role in the church, I’m struck by how important and equally amazing it is to...
Why I am “Charismatic” (part 4)

Why I am “Charismatic” (part 4)

I want to take some time exploring some of the main passages that cause me to remain “charismatic.” There are a number of passages that I find extremely convincing toward a Continuationist reading of Scripture, so I’ll take a few posts to work...
Why I am “Charismatic” (part 4)

Why I am “Charismatic” (part 3)

There’s a helpful saying that I’ve heard (and repeated) about the early Pentecostal movement. It states that Pentecostalism “was an experience in search of a theology.” This simply means that since there wasn’t really a...