Check out the latest articles and videos I’ve shared… but be warned, this is the acumilation of nearly a decade of work, and I’ve changed my thoughts on a lot of things, so don’t hold me to anything that I don’t agree with 🙂Â
Ep 14: Sacramental Reality w/ Glenn Packiam
On episode fourteen of season two, I sit down with Glenn Packiam! We discuss what it looks like to pastor a sacramental charismatic church, the role of formation in Christian worship, and how the sacramental tapestry helped provide stability for New Life after their...
Ep 13: Engaging Theology & N.T. Wright w/ Ben C. Blackwell
On episode thirteen, I have a conversation with Dr. Ben C. Blackwell about the subject of his excellent book, Engaging Theology: A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Introduction. We also talked about his time as a research assistant for N. T. Wright while he was in...
The Crisis of Truth
The Internet is a beautiful thing in that you can very easily and quickly find the answer to many of the questions you have via Google. Do you need to know the capital of Argentina? Google it. Curious about the world record for the fastest...
Ep 12: The Church’s Political Engagement & Allegiance w/ Alexander Venter
Season Two has started! On episode twelve, I have a conversation with Alexander Venter about how followers of Jesus should think about political engagement and allegiance. Hailing from South Africa, Alexander saw first hand how political ideology was ingrained in...
10 Days of Prayer Leading to the Inauguration (FIXED D
My good friend, Jimm Wood, and I put together a resource for churches to use for the next ten days. As all true followers of Jesus know that violence is not the way of the kingdom and last Wednesday's assault on American democracy was so troubling, we believe now is a...
Grieving to Exhaustion, Yet with Hope
Waves of grief have been washing over me these past few days… months… year? Never in my life have I felt such a roller coaster ride of emotion. As the regular routines of life take place, the overwhelming despair seeks to creep up and take over… … and the waves...
My 2021 Sacramental Charismatic Rhythms
I love lots of things about the new year, but nothing as much as starting some new rhythm that I hope becomes a regular part of my life. This year I've spent the last month thinking about some changes I want to make and in addition to eating healthier (and less!),...
An Interview w/ John Wimber’s Daughter
Check out this two part interview I did with Stephanie Ruppe, the one and only daughter of John Wimber. We discuss what it was like having Wimber as her dad, her experience in the early years of the formation of the Vineyard, and lots more! Big thanks to Stephanie for...
Ep 8: Water Baptism & Clark Pinnock
On episode 8, I had a discussion with Andrew Ray Williams to talk about a sacramental charismatic approach to baptism that takes catechesis serious! This is a great discussion about how we can develop a more robust baptismal practice in the local church. Andrew Ray...