Jesus made it quite clear that there is a blessing for those who are peacemakers. He said that peacemakers will be sons of God!

Here are some free online resources that give you an idea about their approach:

Getting to the Heart of Conflict – Conflict starts in the heart. Therefore, if we fail to address the heart in a conflict, then any solution will fall short of true reconciliation.
The Four G’s
– The biblical system for resolving conflict is captured by “The Four G’s”: Glorify God, Get the log out of your own eye, Gently Restore, and Go and be reconciled.
The Slippery Slope
– A visual tool for understanding the ways people tend to and ought to respond to conflict.
The Seven A’s of Confession
– A guide to making a sincere and complete confession.
The PAUSE Principle
– A biblical approach to negotiation.
The Four Promises of Forgiveness
– A great way to remember what you are really saying (and committing to) when you say “I forgive you.”
The Peacemaker’s Pledge
– Complete summary of biblical peacemaking, suitable for churches or organizations to commit to together.
Relational Commitments
– A way for a church to make a mutual commitment to work together to pursue unity, maintain friendships, preserve marriages, and build relationships that reflect the love of Christ.
The Gospel of Peace Mirrored Through Peacemaking
– A summary statement of how the gospel of Jesus Christ is at the core of biblical peacemaking.

Visit Peacemaker Ministries for more information.

HT: Justin Taylor.

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