Moltmann’s Historic PreMillennialism…

Moltmann’s Historic PreMillennialism…

Jürgen Moltmann (b. 1926) is “without a doubt one of the three or four most widely read and influential of twentieth-century- and early-twenty-first-century theologians” (Thiselton). I recently wrote a paper that ended up exploring a bit of his eschatological...
Characteristics of the Come & Coming Kingdom

Characteristics of the Come & Coming Kingdom

Craig Blaising writes: “The theology of Luke-Acts teaches that when Jesus ascended into heaven, he was enthroned with kingdom authority.64 Paul teaches that Jesus is presently seated at the right hand of God with all things in subjection under his feet (Eph....
Characteristics of the Come & Coming Kingdom

Exegeting Your Way to Being Left Behind…

We are all aware of the fact that within North American Evangelicalism, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins are considered two of the most influential authors on eschatology, the study of end times. This is due to the fact that the series that they co-authored, and the...
Characteristics of the Come & Coming Kingdom

Kingdom Come, by Sam Storms (pt. 1 of 5)

When I was around sixteen years old, I discovered the last book of the New Testament, Revelation. I was fascinated by what I read and couldn’t help reading anything related to the apocalyptic literature found in our Bibles. Daniel, and portions of Ezekiel, and...