Calvin influences American culture!

Calvin influences American culture!

There’s an interesting post @ Desiring God – America’s Debt to John Calvin. Piper writes some interesting thoughts here regarding Calvin’s influence on American culture and democracy as a whole, based on lectures by Abraham Kuyper (Lectures on...
Gnosticism Gave Birth to Systematic Theology

Gnosticism Gave Birth to Systematic Theology

Continuing our study of Church History, we must take note of one of the earliest issues that we find addressed within both the NT and within the writings of the Patristics. The issue is still relevant today. It is a subject that predates Christianity (cf....
Orthodoxy & Heresy: The Tension in Church History

Orthodoxy & Heresy: The Tension in Church History

If there is one thing that Protestants are often guilty of, it is most certainly being ignorant or at least naive of Church History. Historical Theology is more or less left to the academic world and often considered to be too “Catholic” to be of any use....