Biblical Studies Needs Theology…

Biblical Studies Needs Theology…

I recently was told by someone that they didn’t need theology because they just needed the Bible. N. T. Wright responds in The New Testament and the People of God as follows: “Biblical studies needs theology, because only with theological tools can...
Biblical Studies Needs Theology…

Can a passage of the Bible have multiple meanings?

Everyone reads the Bible with some basic assumptions about how the Bible best speaks. For example, these are the types of questions that people are often thinking of: What did this mean when it was written? What did the author intend for this to mean? How have people...
Biblical Studies Needs Theology…

Exegeting Your Way to Being Left Behind…

We are all aware of the fact that within North American Evangelicalism, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins are considered two of the most influential authors on eschatology, the study of end times. This is due to the fact that the series that they co-authored, and the...
Biblical Studies Needs Theology…

Apostle of the Last Days, by C. Marvin Pate

Pauline studies has been arguably one of the main focuses of scholarly inquiry for hundreds of years, especially after the Enlightenment. In some circles, it is far and away more important than even Jesus studies (yikes!). Yet in other circles, the Pauline corpus is...