Check out Obama’s Fascinating Interview with Cathleen Falsani. Finally we can read the full transcript of what Obama actually does believe without having to filter through the various half-truths and misrepresentations regarding Obama’s understanding of Christianity.
Ross Douthat wrote something of interest:
Given the muddled way in which most Americans approach religion, and the pervasiveness of heterodoxy, I suppose I’m basically with Alan Jacobs: I think that figuring out exactly what sort of things Obama believes about God and Christ and everything else, and how those beliefs may affect his Presidency, is ultimately a more profitable pursuit than arguing about whether he should be allowed to call himself a Christian. Or put another way: I expect my Presidents to be heretics, but I think it matters a great deal what kind of heretics they are.
My assumption is that from approximately the 1900’s until now, our heretics are our Presidents! I too expect my President to be a heretic and I too think it matters greatly just what kind of heretic they are!
Once you’ve read the interview, you’ll have a better understanding of Obama’s faith in 2004. Has it changed? I do not know. I would venture to guess that everyone’s faith somewhat changes as they progress through life. But not everyone’s theology necessarily changes.
What do you think about Obama’s theology?!?!?!

Luke is a pastor-theologian living in northern California, serving as a co-lead pastor with his life, Dawn, at the Red Bluff Vineyard. Father of five amazing kids, when Luke isn’t hanging with his family, reading or writing theology, he moonlights as a fly fishing guide for Confluence Outfitters. He blogs regularly at and regularly contributes to his YouTube channel.
I like it!
After all, if he’s right, and sin is “being out of alignment with my values,” then think of the freedom! I can pick and choose from a plethora of historical figures who taught, er, something… then combine their various introspections to define my own collection of values. And as long as I behave in a consistent manner, I’m sin-free, baby!
And how awesome that he’s going to support my right to “choose”! So if you don’t like what I choose, then you can just get over it. After all, it’s my choice. If you think that you’re affected negatively, then we’ll just check and see if I’ve behaved in accordance with my values. As long as I have, I’m golden.
As a bonus, sin is its own punishment. Who needs more pain in the after-life? Check this out: “I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell.” Sweet!
Though… this rather begs the question why Obama would still classify Jesus as a “wonderful teacher” when Jesus made it sound like hell was real, eternal, and torturously miserable. He CLEARLY didn’t know what he was talking about! Either that, or he didn’t know the same God that Obama worships.
Either way, I think this justifies my sleeping in this Sunday. Ahhh…….
Ha ha! I’ve always wondered how those who are Universalists or at least into some form of Liberation or Liberal Theology can really ignore Jesus’ teaching on Hell.
I’m sleeping in too. errr
i don’t get it. he’s a christian but doesn’t believe what christians believe?
It’s too bad Luther died before he could meet Obama. If only Luther had known that the bible was recreational reading! Why on earth did he think he needed to study and pray for HOURS each day??? Just think how much he could have accomplished if he hadn’t been wasting his time in that fashion.
I feel like yelling at Obama.
So, it would be helpful that I remember what Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus who also had political rules that were not aligned with the same religious convictions:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” – Eph. 6:12
So, we can certainly point out the mistakes in Obama’s theology and we can certainly stand for truth… but we also need to remember that behind his theology is something (someone) who is at odds with God and His Son Jesus.
Amen? I still feel like yelling!
That being said… what are the five questions that you would ask Obama in relation to this interview? My five are:
(1) Why do you believe that to believe that Jesus is the only way that this equates to four-fifths of the world going ot hell? Where do you get this statistic from?
(2) What sets Jesus apart from Mohammad, Buddha, and any other religious leader?
(3) How does your definition of “sin” relate to the definition that is found within the Bible? In your opinion, “sin” is entirely relative and based upon one’s own personal values. What happens when another person’s values are at odds with yours? Does “sin” change?
(4) How can one be “saved” from thier sins?
(5) What do you believe is God’s will for your life (be specific)?
That’s mind. What’s yours?
1. Does the Church of Obama accept tithes? I want in.
If I didn’t know any better, I would think that Oprah was answering these questions at his interview. He sounds like a “convenient Christian” to me.
Some quotes:
“I believe that there are many paths to the same place” – great, a Christian would have to say there is only One Narrow Way.
“And I’m not somebody who is always comfortable with language that implies I’ve got a monopoly on the truth” – uuummmm… Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and The Life.
“I think that religion at it’s best comes with a big dose of doubt.” – I don’t think that Thomas would agree…
“I think I have an ongoing conversation with God. I think throughout the day, I’m constantly asking myself questions about what I’m doing, why am I doing it.” – the way this is phrased, it sounds like Obama is God – read it again….
“Well, my pastor [Jeremiah Wright] is certainly someone who I have an enormous amount of respect for.” – That worked out well for him, didn’t it?
“Alongside my own deep personal faith, I am a follower, as well, of our civic religion. I am a big believer in the separation of church and state.” – Yeah, they are mutually exclusive, except for the fact that it was not meant to be used in that context when our government was formed. Our forefathers wanted separation from The Church of England – not the separation of God’s Word and commandments from the governing law of the land.
“There’s the belief, certainly in some quarters, that people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they’re going to hell.” – In some quarters, that would be the basic Christian Faith, wouldn’t it???
“Oftentimes that’s by being as vague as possible, or appealing to the lowest commong denominators. The more specific and detailed you are on issues as personal and fundamental as your faith, the more potentially dangerous it is.” – Well that’s smart of him! I mean look what the public did to Jesus!
“Rarely in those [church] settings do people come up to me and say, what are your beliefs? They are going to presume, and rightly so. Although they may presume a set of doctrines that I subscribe to that I don’t necessarily subscribe to.” – Right, just because you’re in a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant doesn’t mean you want to order chicken. Just because you attend a certain kind of church, doesn’t mean you agree with any part of their doctrine. Nobody would be stupid enough to assume you believe in Christian values when you find yourself in a Christian church every week, right?
[What is sin?] “Being out of alignment with my values.” and…
“…In the same way that if I’m true to myself and my faith that that is its own reward, when I’m not true to it, it’s its own punishment.” – I agree with KBO – it is SO nice to be able to make up the rules as you go. If I choose to murder, then it’s within my values and I’m justified. Oh, how cool!
[What are you doing when you feel the most centered, the most aligned spiritually?] “I think I already described it. It’s when I’m being true to myself.” – I don’t feel very ‘spiritual’ when I’m listening to my flesh talk me into doing something. But, maybe, it is more comfortable for Obama…
I know, I know…. I’m being a LITTLE sarcastic here. But, it is scary to think about UNTIL you realize again that the True God has everything under control. His Will will be done. No matter what Obama’s “insides” tell him. And, you never know, he’s opened up a lot of spritual doorways in his life, including one small one to the Truth. God can use that path to make it all clear to him in an instant.
Mrsdoemrx – so you’re on board with me? We’re joining???
Let’s start right away! Which values are YOU going to incorporate into your new Obama-belief system?
I think I’ll begin with, “Everyone who crosses my path must pay me one dollar.” And then I’ll exempt myself from tithing except for months that begin with a new moon. (Gotta add something remniscent of Judaism in there, just for flavor.)
Whoa, I’m not quite ready to join yet… I mean I know Oprah’s endorsed him, but I would have to wait for Jessica Simpson, Brittany Spears, and Pamela Anderson to get on board, too. Oh- and K-Fed. After all, they are the spiritual and intellectual leaders of our great nation today.
(Ok, ok, I hope everyone realizes that I am being facetious here…!)
this guy’s christianity is different than the bibles. scary. yikes.
Best statement: “I expect my Presidents to be heretics, but I think it matters a great deal what kind of heretics they are.”
That’s hilarious!
Just found this on here and wow…I like Obama’s faith…who doesn’t love a buffet? He doesn’t sound too confident. I think our founding fathers would be insulted by this man’s mix of God and politics. I can’t remember which founding father said it but he said that the Bible should be our only imaginable source of law. How can Obama believe that if he has never really seemed to absorb scripture.
The person who is walking in darkness and has not been regenerated by the work of the Holy Spirit will always express views and opinions that are inconsistent. The President wants to embrace a Faith that he finds beautiful, reassuring and charismatic. However, he has not submitted himself to the requirements of that Faith, nor has he acquiesced the fundamental principles of it. He wants to believe in a God of love with no justice, a Jesus who was a wonderful teacher except when He claimed to be the only Way to the Father. He wants to believe in a Higher Power without a standard of righteousness or a Law Giver. Sin is failure to be true to himself, rather than failure to adhere to God’s law. How can he say that Bin Laden is evil? What if Bin Laden is being true to himself? We can’t be so presumptuous as to say that he’s wrong, can we? It saddens me to see that this man is so deeply deceived. I want to point out that the appropriate response for Christians is to pray for this man, that the eyes of his understanding would be opened, and that the Holy Spirit would take away his heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh. We ought not to insult or deride the President, no matter how inconsistent we find his views to be or how wrong we feel his policies are. We must understand that he’s a human being in need of a Savior, and he’s inconsistent just as we were before that Savior took hold of us.