Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.

Responding to Ken Wilson (part 3)
Okay folks… this is part three of the long overdue review of Ken Wilson’s A Letter to My Congregation (ALTMC). Please stop emailing me, sending me messages on Facebook, or sending me text messages asking me when it’s going to get published! Listen, I had a baby! Okay,...
On Integrating Doctrine and Life
Integrating theology and praxis, doctrine and life, seems difficult for many people. Michael Horton says, “… when it comes to God, people often imagine that it is possible to have a personal relationship with God apart from theology.” Let’s discuss this issue…

Moltmann’s Historic PreMillennialism…
Jürgen Moltmann (b. 1926) is “without a doubt one of the three or four most widely read and influential of twentieth-century- and early-twenty-first-century theologians" (Thiselton). I recently wrote a paper that ended up exploring a bit of his eschatological...
A Commentary on Judges and Ruth, by Robert B. Chisholm Jr.
About a year ago I did a sermon on Ruth and several of the stories in Judges (Gideon A and Gideon B). When I was preparing for those sermons, I found that I do not own as many commentaries on these two books of the Bible as I do others (don't get me started on how...
Characteristics of the Come & Coming Kingdom
Craig Blaising writes: "The theology of Luke-Acts teaches that when Jesus ascended into heaven, he was enthroned with kingdom authority.64 Paul teaches that Jesus is presently seated at the right hand of God with all things in subjection under his feet (Eph. 1:19-23;...
The Molt on the Cross
It's Good Friday... and Sunday is coming. I've long somewhat "struggled" with Good Friday because I've observed that many of our services tend to imply that we should pretend that the Resurrection hasn't happened. And I get it. We're trying to make much of the cross...
Small Town Missiological Contextualization…
For those of you interested in small town missional theology, I've written a piece for Multiply Vineyard called "Small Town Missiology: Contextualization & Outreach." Feel free to head over there and read it. I'm convinced that we need to spend a lot more time...
Are you Pentecostal or (p)entecostal?
Dr. Allan Anderson writes, "Pentecostalism is above all else a missionary movement— this premise enables us to understand the primary motivation for its global expansion throughout the twentieth century. Global Pentecostalism began as a restorationist or...
A Biblical, Theological, & Practical Response: Why I think Ken Wilson is wrong (part 2)
Last week I published my first review of Ken Wilson's A Letter to My Congregation (ALTMC). I wanted to start the review by offering my initial thoughts and a few observations that I appreciated about Ken's book, along with a few of the issues I found/find most...
Live Blogging #SVS2014 (day 3)
Had a late night, so running a little late today. Make sure to follow the twitter hashtag #SVS2014 to stay up on people's thoughts ****************** 10:03am... the infamous young Thomas Creedy is presenting a paper on theological anthropology. Yes, Thomas is building...