Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.
Live Blogging #SVS2014 (day 2)
Had a late night, so running a little late today. Make sure to follow the twitter hashtag #SVS2014 to stay up on people's thoughts ****************** 11:06am... sitting in the "Hermeneutics: The Authority of God in Scripture" session. Listening to Corey Hackworth's...
Live Blogging #SVS2014 (day 1)
Here we go. Refresh and you will see more... ****************** 10am... started with prayer and a few announcements. 10:41am... "Thinking with the Church, Thinking with the Vineyard" Caleb Maskell is speaking on the subject through a conversation with Pope Francis and...
Live Blogging the #SVS2014 Annual Conference
Over the next few days I'll be doing some "live blogging" during my time at the Society of Vineyard Scholars' 2014 annual conference (download the program here). We're blessed to have Craig Keener and Jack Levison as keynote speakers, along with a ton of excellent...
A Biblical, Theological, & Practical Response: Why I think Ken Wilson is wrong (part 1)
Ken Wilson is the senior pastor of the Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor and has written quite a few helpful books over the years, including the "magisterial" Empowered Evangelicals (w/ Rich Nathan). Ken has somewhat recently changed his views on homosexuality and...
Welcome Home: 10 Ways to be a Welcoming Church
Here is a guest post from my friend, Michael Houle. Mike is the c0-Senior Pastor of Valley Vineyard Church in Chippewa Falls, WI. He's a good friend of mine and what follows are some excellent thoughts on being a welcoming community!...
Why Did Nero Throw Christians to the Lions?
“Nero did not throw Christians to the lions because they confessed that ‘Jesus is Lord of my heart.’ It was rather because they confessed that ‘Jesus is Lord of all,’ meaning that Jesus was Lord even over the realm Caesar claimed as his domain of absolute authority."...
John Wimber on Continuing Jesus’ Ministry…
John Wimber writes, "In the Vineyard, we place a priority on being empowered by the Holy Spirit. But the Spirit empowers for a purpose-not just an experience. We seek the active presence of the Spirit to continue Jesus' ministry. At times we almost lose the purpose;...
The Molt on Joy in Nearness to God…
I finally picked up a copy of Thiselton's book on the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit: In Biblical Teaching, through the Centuries, and Today. Interestingly, Thiselton lists the Molt as one of the major theologians of this century. The more I read the Molt, the more I...
Discipleship Gone Wrong: 5 Ways to Get Back on Track
What is a disciple? Some people say that a disciple is someone who is "following Jesus together as their Master and Teacher so that they may become just like Jesus.” Years ago, Walter Henrichsen said that Disciples are Made Not Born. Jesus himself said that the job of...
Do Trajectories Toward the New Creation Speak to Sexual Addiction?
As a pastor, I've interacted with numerous people who have struggled with the desire to have a lot of sex with as many people as possible. Generally speaking, this struggle has come from men, but I'm sure there are women who have this desire. At any rate, many,...