Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.
A Great Paragraph on God’s Macro & Micro Concerns
Consider the following: "Cosmic restoration—nothing less adequately describes God’s mission. In fact, God has committed himself not only to re-create his universe to its original, spectacular condition but also—as the Bible’s apocalyptic literature attempts to...

Charts on the Life, Letters, and Theology of Paul, by Lars Kierspel
Have you ever wanted a resource that you could easily turn to in order to get a detailed overview of specific details related to Pauline theology? Most of us are aware of Fee's work on Pauline Christology and Pauline Pneumatology, but what about something a bit more...

On John Piper’s Twister Tweet
There's quite the stir over a recent tweet that John Piper made: I appreciate a lot of what Nate Pyle wrote. I think Piper's tweet could certainly have been misunderstood, which is probably why Piper went on to remove the tweet and posted a more compassionate thought...

Correcting the Popular Notion that the Church was Born at Pentecost
Scott Lencke has a good post up on why he doesn't believe we should believe the popular idea that the church was born at Pentecost (Acts 2). Scott lays out some very good reasons why we should see God's people through the lens of continuity rather than trying to...

Why Cities Matter, by Stephen T. Um & Justin Buzzard
I recently worked through Why Cities Matter: To God, Culture, and the Church, written by Stephen T. Um and Justin Buzzard. Truth be told, I expected the book to champion the typical "big city equals big church equals effectiveness" type of thinking that's heralded by...

Practically Assessing “Revival”
Jonathan Edwards isn't always known for being one of the most available theologians to read. People often find his writing style beyond the scope of "easy reading." Yet there are numerous reasons why he's still a huge benefit for the church. There is, of course, a...

Learning, Listening, & Engaging: My Interaction with Jehovah Witnesses
Today I had a scheduled meeting with two Jehovah Witnesses (JW's to save space) to discuss the Bible and our religious beliefs. A friend from the church I serve had been approach by them and invited me to come and to talk. I was excited to sit down and have a...

A Political Rant Born From a Deeper Theological Conviction than “Americanism”
Make no mistake, when it comes to politics, I am not left leaning nor "liberal." Those terms are fast losing meaning, but when I think about social issues and politics, I know that I do not fall in line with many of the ideas that my Democrat friends suggest. I am not...
My Initial Thoughts on Theology, the Church, & Social Media
Today I participated in a panel discussion at the Society of Vineyard Scholars' annual meeting entitled, "Theology, the Church, and Social Media." It was rather informal and we had some good dialogue that essentially proved that all of the participants essentially...

Should a Formally Educated Pastor Serve Under a Less Educated Pastor?
A friend of mine asked me the following question: "Would you go work in a church under another pastor where you have a masters and he only has a bible college degree?" I think this is actually a very important question. I think it's entirely possible for pastors to...