Day 6 of Being an Egalitarian

Day 6 of Being an Egalitarian

So the week of being an Egalitarian has come to an end. My wife flew safely home and our “roles” seem to be returning to their normal routines… which is a conversation in and of itself. I’ll talk about that in a few moments. But I was really...
Why I am “Charismatic” (part 1)

Why I am “Charismatic” (part 1)

Why in the world would a theologically-informed lover of all things related to Scripture and the church consciously identify with a movement that is often associated with people like Benny Hinn or Todd Bentley? Don’t guys like that make me “theologically...
My List of Top 5 Books on the Kingdom of God

My List of Top 5 Books on the Kingdom of God

There are five books that have greatly shaped my understanding of the kingdom of God. These are my top-five and the books that I recommend to pastors, students, and anyone interested in the theology of the kingdom. #5 – The Gospel of the Kingdom: Scriptural...