A Review of Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views @ SVS

A Review of Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views @ SVS

The Society of Vineyard Scholars recently published a review I did on Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views. If you have any interests in hermeneutical method, this book might be of interest to it. It is edited by Stanley E. Porter and Beth M. Stovell and includes...
Inerrancy and Worldview, by Vern S. Poythress

Inerrancy and Worldview, by Vern S. Poythress

The exact nature of how Scripture functions as an authority for the church has long been a source of debate. The issue only seems to have become more intense with the onset of post-modern epistemology. How do those with a high view (inerrancy) to answer the challenges...
God is Love, by Gerald Bray

God is Love, by Gerald Bray

God is Love is subtitled, “A Biblical and Systematic Theology.” Right out the gate I am going to state that I am not sure exactly why the author or publisher provided that subtitle. It actually locked me into expecting something that Bray’s book...