John Knox for Armchair Theologians, by Suzanne McDonald

Kingdom Come, by Sam Storms (pt. 1 of 5)

When I was around sixteen years old, I discovered the last book of the New Testament, Revelation. I was fascinated by what I read and couldn’t help reading anything related to the apocalyptic literature found in our Bibles. Daniel, and portions of Ezekiel, and...
Fallen, edited by Morgan & Peterson

Fallen, edited by Morgan & Peterson

When is the last time you read a book all about sin? You know, that icky stuff that a lot of television preachers don’t like to talk about much. The last book I read that was almost exclusively on the topic of sin was John Piper’s Spectacular Sins and that...
“Against the Gods,” by John D. Currid

“Against the Gods,” by John D. Currid

When was the last time that polemical theology was encouraged? It seems as if polemics, a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something, has become quite unfashionable. I recently participated in a conversation on Facebook where several commenters suggested...