by Luke Geraty | Nov 15, 2013 | Posts
John Knox for Armchair Theologians is a quick and fascinating read. Why study the life of Knox? The author, Suzanne McDonald, writes: “There are also very few theologians who could be named as a driving force in the shaping of a nation. You can’t race the...
by Luke Geraty | Nov 14, 2013 | Posts
When I was in college, I ended up taking three different surveys of the Old Testament (OT). You’d think that I would have a better understanding of the Hebrew Bible, but sadly, I was actually more confused. My professors ranged from approaching the OT as being...
by Luke Geraty | Oct 31, 2013 | Posts
When I was around sixteen years old, I discovered the last book of the New Testament, Revelation. I was fascinated by what I read and couldn’t help reading anything related to the apocalyptic literature found in our Bibles. Daniel, and portions of Ezekiel, and...
by Luke Geraty | Oct 25, 2013 | Posts
When is the last time you read a book all about sin? You know, that icky stuff that a lot of television preachers don’t like to talk about much. The last book I read that was almost exclusively on the topic of sin was John Piper’s Spectacular Sins and that...
by Luke Geraty | Oct 14, 2013 | Posts
When was the last time that polemical theology was encouraged? It seems as if polemics, a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something, has become quite unfashionable. I recently participated in a conversation on Facebook where several commenters suggested...
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