Thoughts on #SVS2018 from the cheap seats…

Thoughts on #SVS2018 from the cheap seats…

This year’s Society of Vineyard Scholars annual meeting was at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Featuring a number of well-known scholars (e.g., Howard Snyder, Craig Keener, Eleanor Mumford), Vineyard thinkers and friends of the Vineyard...
Thoughts on #SVS2018 from the cheap seats…

Live Blogging #SVS2014 (day 2)

Had a late night, so running a little late today. Make sure to follow the twitter hashtag #SVS2014 to stay up on people’s thoughts ****************** 11:06am… sitting in the “Hermeneutics: The Authority of God in Scripture” session. Listening...
Thoughts on #SVS2018 from the cheap seats…

Live Blogging the #SVS2014 Annual Conference

Over the next few days I’ll be doing some “live blogging” during my time at the Society of Vineyard Scholars’ 2014 annual conference (download the program here). We’re blessed to have Craig Keener and Jack Levison as keynote speakers,...