by Luke Geraty | May 6, 2009 | Posts
James Swan (Beggers All) has posted an interesting article over at Alpha and Omega Ministries – Catholics Need Catholic Answers, But Will Settle for Protestant Answers. Given a few of our past discussions regarding the differences between Roman Catholicism and...
by Luke Geraty | Apr 23, 2009 | Posts
The Evangelical Textual Criticism blog has a very interesting discussion going on – Red Letter Bibles Again. Tommy Wasserman, the author of the post, summarizes the reasoning for both the advocates of Red Letter Bibles and for those who oppose them. Red Letter...
by Luke Geraty | Jan 30, 2009 | Posts
Jonathan Edwards is, in my opinion, clearly one of the greatest minds that America has every produced. Both theologically and philosophically speaking. I’m challenged by his life and writings. I just picked up a copy of Storm’s devotional on Colossians and...
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