by Luke Geraty | Jan 11, 2016 | Posts
Thus far, our series, “Follow Me,” has been exploring the Gospel of Mark and exploring many of the issues related to discipleship. Last week, Brad Blocksom looked at Mark 4:21-25, “A veiled message destined to be revealed.” This week...
by Luke Geraty | May 6, 2015 | Posts
What is the Bible? The Bible is unlike any other book ever written… it’s an ancient collection of writings, comprised of 66 separate books, written over approximately 1,600 years, by at least 40 distinct authors. The Old Testament contains 39 books written from...
by Luke Geraty | Sep 14, 2014 | Posts
I recently was told by someone that they didn’t need theology because they just needed the Bible. N. T. Wright responds in The New Testament and the People of God as follows: “Biblical studies needs theology, because only with theological tools can...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 19, 2014 | Posts
Two weeks ago I was talking to a young twenty something who classified herself as a “skeptic.” Our conversation was about Jesus, faith, church, and the Bible. It was really fun and I think we both were enjoying our conversation. At one point in the...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 18, 2014 | Posts
Everyone reads the Bible with some basic assumptions about how the Bible best speaks. For example, these are the types of questions that people are often thinking of: What did this mean when it was written? What did the author intend for this to mean? How have people...
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