Soteriology: Smooth & Easy or a Deep Struggle?

Soteriology: Smooth & Easy or a Deep Struggle?

Soteriology, the theological category related to “salvation,” is one that theologians still dispute over. Actually, pastors and lots of other Christians debate about it too. In addition to the ordo salutis (order of salvation) and nature of salvation (Calvinism vs....
How’s Your Church’s “On Ramp”?

How’s Your Church’s “On Ramp”?

As we’ve entered into the fall, our attendance at Trinity Christian Fellowship has been growing and we’re seeing new and old faces, together. It’s beautiful to see Jesus’ community gathered to experience the Spirit’s presence/empowerment....
What are the Privileges of Believers?

What are the Privileges of Believers?

Have you ever stopped to think about the privileges that believers in Christ have? Sometimes I think we take what we have for granted, so it’s helpful to have a reminder. Tonight I was reading through John Owen’s Lesser Catechism and found a great answer...
John Bunyan on Being Saved…

John Bunyan on Being Saved…

“The miseries from which they that shall be saved shall by their salvation be delivered, are dreadful; they are no less than sin, the curse of God, and flames of hell for ever. What more abominable than sin? What more insupportable than the dreadful wrath of an...