Dress Codes for Preachers: Formal & Informal Settings

Dress Codes for Preachers: Formal & Informal Settings

It’s not even a question of how influential Bryan Chapell’s classic Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon is. I can hardly imagine someone going off to seminary and taking classes on homiletics without having to read it. If you did,...
Preaching on Controversial Political Subjects

Preaching on Controversial Political Subjects

I was flipping through Wayne Grudem’s Politics According to the Bible and found an interesting quote regarding how pastor’s should deal with controversial political subjects. I really like how this is expressed and the examples given. Grudem writes,...
Preaching on Controversial Political Subjects

Gospel Faithfulness in Kenya

I’m in Kenya right now, which is why the blogging is basically at a stand-bye. I will be back in a week. But I wanted to let you readers know that God is at work here in so many ways, as you were probably well aware of. But the good news is that though the false...
Preaching on Controversial Political Subjects

The Spirital Formation of Pastors

“Out of all the relationships that we have as ministers, none is more vital than our relationship with God. Yet, many books on preaching include nothing about the spiritual formation of the minister. Much is written about how to construct a sermon but little...