by Luke Geraty | Mar 18, 2012 | Posts
A common question that is posed when discussing how the New Testament addresses the issue of homosexuality is as follows: Are there differences between the homosexuality addressed in the New Testament (1st century) and the monogamous homosexuality that is being...
by Luke Geraty | Nov 18, 2011 | Posts
Try and summarize the Bible in one sentence. Karl Barth, author of the infamous 14 volume Church Dogmatics, is said to have summarized all that he wrote by saying, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Others have focused on a variety...
by Luke Geraty | Jul 25, 2011 | Posts
“What role does the law have in preaching? We must consider where a command is in the story line of the Bible in terms of the redemptive-historical scheme we see in Scripture. The moral norms of the Bible cannot be preached apart from the canonical context and...
by Luke Geraty | Apr 30, 2011 | Posts
I’m at the place in ministry where I can see some very strong parallels between Moses’ ministry and being a pastor. Different people, same problems. Not everyone, but enough of the same issues to warrant a comparison. So I like Moses a lot. I understand...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 16, 2011 | Posts
“Sometimes scholars say that the Old Testament does not demand perfect obedience to the law. We must address this matter carefully because there is a sense in which the Old Testament requires perfect obedience and a sense in which it doesn’t. Let me...
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