Missional Hip Hop: Doctrinal or Practical?

Missional Hip Hop: Doctrinal or Practical?

There’s a cool conversation going on at Sphere of Hip Hop regarding the different approaches that Christians take within the context of hip hop. I’m really enjoying the mutual respect and thinking that is starting to come out. We’re basically...
Gospel Faithfulness in Kenya

Gospel Faithfulness in Kenya

I’m in Kenya right now, which is why the blogging is basically at a stand-bye. I will be back in a week. But I wanted to let you readers know that God is at work here in so many ways, as you were probably well aware of. But the good news is that though the false...
Gospel Faithfulness in Kenya

The Missional Spirit Breaks Ecclesiological Monologue!

“What if the life-giving Spirit is saying to us that nothing has gone wrong but that he is breaking apart the five-hundred-year-old boxes in which we have so conveniently placed the movement of God since the European Protestant reformations? What if the period...
Gospel Faithfulness in Kenya

Healthy, Spirit-directed Churches Grow

“We are convinced that healthy, Spirit-directed Churches grow. And we believe that God grows the Church. If we feel we have to grow the Church, we will fall into humanism-it ceases to be God’s Church and becomes our Church. So our approach is to do the...