by Luke Geraty | Mar 19, 2013 | Posts
My good friend, Brian Fulthorp, has written a blog post that I think raises some good issues – “On Promoting Theological Education.” His concerns are related to a new ministry focus by The Gospel Coalition (TGC) called “Theological Famine...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 1, 2013 | Posts
I did my final MDiv Practical Theology project on rural church ministry. This is back when the whole “Emerging Church” thing was going on, so I basically took a lot of the ideas floating around and tried to contextualize it and reflect upon it with a small...
by Luke Geraty | Jan 19, 2013 | Posts
While I’m not a missiologist, I am very interested in issues related to missions, evangelism, and contextualization. Not only am I interested in those subjects from a biblical perspective, I’m also interested in how those principles are extracted and...
by Luke Geraty | Nov 22, 2012 | Posts
One of the most powerfully convincing statements on the necessity for contextualizing the gospel can be found in The Convergent Church. When answering how we can take the timeless gospel and apply it in a timely manner and how we can speak the truth to a given culture...
by Luke Geraty | Sep 19, 2012 | Posts
I’m excited that our small rural church that has historically been full of lots of white people is becoming more diverse. A few months ago I spent a Sunday morning casting vision to the congregation I serve about the need to be a community that is not...
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