by Luke Geraty | Apr 15, 2014 | Posts
For those of you interested in small town missional theology, I’ve written a piece for Multiply Vineyard called “Small Town Missiology: Contextualization & Outreach.” Feel free to head over there and read it. I’m convinced that we need to...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 28, 2014 | Posts
Here is a guest post from my friend, Michael Houle. Mike is the c0-Senior Pastor of Valley Vineyard Church in Chippewa Falls, WI. He’s a good friend of mine and what follows are some excellent thoughts on being a welcoming community!...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 21, 2014 | Posts
What is a disciple? Some people say that a disciple is someone who is “following Jesus together as their Master and Teacher so that they may become just like Jesus.” Years ago, Walter Henrichsen said that Disciples are Made Not Born. Jesus himself said that the...
by Luke Geraty | Feb 26, 2014 | Posts
My first experience of doing “evangelism” was when I was around fifteen years old and our youth group traveled to an inner city neighborhood. After some training, we broke up into teams and went door to door to “share our faith.” The catch, of...
by Luke Geraty | Jul 30, 2013 | Posts
In my early years of ministry, I used to repeat something I’d heard a lot when I was younger: when we gather together for worship, we need to expect God to move. While I don’t want to minimize the value of having expectation or of the importance of...
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