by Luke Geraty | Nov 19, 2015 | Posts
The following are some goldmine quotes related to the Mission of the Church, which is tied to the Mission of God. One is from Karl Barth (Church Dogmatics) and the others are from Clark Pinnock (Flame of Love). Peep game: “The Christian community is not sent...
by Luke Geraty | May 19, 2015 | Posts
God’s mission of extending the rule and reign of his kingdom to every square inch of the world is the scope of his great love. As the prophet Isaiah declares, “for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” (Isa...
by Luke Geraty | May 21, 2014 | Posts
Here’s a quick round up of some short articles I’ve written or contributed to in regards to small town rural church ministry: Ministry Longevity in Small Towns – Bob Logan was kind enough to allow me to reflect on the importance of ministry longevity...
by Luke Geraty | Apr 15, 2014 | Posts
For those of you interested in small town missional theology, I’ve written a piece for Multiply Vineyard called “Small Town Missiology: Contextualization & Outreach.” Feel free to head over there and read it. I’m convinced that we need to...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 19, 2013 | Posts
My good friend, Brian Fulthorp, has written a blog post that I think raises some good issues – “On Promoting Theological Education.” His concerns are related to a new ministry focus by The Gospel Coalition (TGC) called “Theological Famine...
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