Ambassador’s Story

Ambassador’s Story Ambassador was a part of the Cross Movement before going through the above story. I’ve always liked his music. This is a cool story of redemption and reconciliation. Check...
What Are the Guidelines for Performing a Wedding?

What Are the Guidelines for Performing a Wedding?

Brian Croft has some great questions at Practical Shepherding on pastors and weddings. He asks “What are the boundary lines to determine whether a pastor can/should conduct a wedding?” That’s a great question for a pastor to really think through. I...
Ambassador’s Story

Put Your Spouse Before Your Children!

In Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes, Voddie Baucham gives three reasons to prioritize your marriage above your children: 1. Our children will eventually leave home. Prepare your marriage for the empty nest: To my knowledge, I’ve never...