Ambassador’s Story

Ambassador’s Story Ambassador was a part of the Cross Movement before going through the above story. I’ve always liked his music. This is a cool story of redemption and reconciliation. Check...
“Do people know when they are being selfish?”

“Do people know when they are being selfish?”

This past week I was having a conversation with someone who was really frustrated with some people because of how selfish they were. Given the situation she was going through, I could understand where she was coming from; there was clearly some really self-centered...
Ambassador’s Story

Gospel Faithfulness in Kenya

I’m in Kenya right now, which is why the blogging is basically at a stand-bye. I will be back in a week. But I wanted to let you readers know that God is at work here in so many ways, as you were probably well aware of. But the good news is that though the false...
Are Your Actions Consistent w/ the Gospel?

Are Your Actions Consistent w/ the Gospel?

I think all of us probably do things that bring compromise to certain areas that we believe are important. Some people call those compromises “hypocrisy” and others refer to it as being “two faced.” When referring to spiritual matters, some...