by Luke Geraty | Jun 18, 2019 | Posts
In this #theovlog, I share some resources in support of women in leadership in the Church! If you are looking for helpful books from a range of biblical scholars, theologians, pastors, etc. — check the video and links below 👇🏽 Book Recommendations: “Paul...
by Luke Geraty | May 10, 2019 | Posts
Why does theology matter, especially the doctrine of the Trinity? In fact, what exactly IS the Trinity? In this vlog, I share some thoughts concerning the debate about whether or not we should use the concept of “subordinationism” in regard to the...
by Luke Geraty | Mar 8, 2018 | Posts
Continuing my tradition of writing something in honor of International Women’s Day, I’d like to suggest six important books written by women addressing issues related to women within the Church: Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle’s Vision for...
by Luke Geraty | Jun 4, 2014 | Posts
I guess blogging is as good a place to be introspective and anecdotal as anywhere else, right? I’ve decidedly chosen to “think out loud” here at for a number of years now, so this isn’t really all that new. I’ve written...
by Luke Geraty | Apr 12, 2012 | Posts
I generally define myself as a “soft-Complementarian” when it comes to my understanding of how Scripture informs us concerning the issue of women serving in ministry. In a nutshell, I hesitate at seeing Scripture affirming women as Elders (Pastors,...
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