10 Days of Prayer Leading to the Inauguration (FIXED D

10 Days of Prayer Leading to the Inauguration (FIXED D

My good friend, Jimm Wood, and I put together a resource for churches to use for the next ten days. As all true followers of Jesus know that violence is not the way of the kingdom and last Wednesday’s assault on American democracy was so troubling, we believe...
Ecclesiology is Radically Personal

Ecclesiology is Radically Personal

I love my church. I know, I know… it’s not really my church. I serve Jesus’ church and I’m well aware of the fact that pastor’s would be wise to remember that they do not own the church’s they serve, nor do the church’s we...
Ecclesiology is Radically Personal

Read Scripture and Let Scripture Read You

What is the Bible? The Bible is unlike any other book ever written… it’s an ancient collection of writings, comprised of 66 separate books, written over approximately 1,600 years, by at least 40 distinct authors. The Old Testament contains 39 books written from...