The Best Intro to Kingdom Theology…

The Best Intro to Kingdom Theology…

If I had to summarize all of the preaching of Jesus and all of the preaching of Paul, I’d suggest that they had one message with many applications: the kingdom of God. Jesus proclaimed the kingdom (Matt. 4:17, 23; 9:35; Mark 1:14-15; Luke 8:1; Acts 1:3, etc.)...
Garrett’s New Commentary on Exodus

Garrett’s New Commentary on Exodus

Duane A. Garrett is an Old Testament scholar who currently teaches at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He’s well respected in his field and I’ve found several of his commentaries quite helpful, so I was excited to review his latest addition to...
The Evangelism Study Bible (a review)

The Evangelism Study Bible (a review)

I have a love/hate relationship with study bibles. On one hand, I really like that there is a resource for people who may not have had seven hundred years of seminary training. On the other, it’s frustrating when some well-meaning people treat the commentary...
The Evangelism Study Bible (a review)

Ken Wilson on Pauline Theology (part 5)

In this post, I want to review and interact with Ken Wilson’s work in ALTMC on the Apostle Paul. In addition to several posts covering Ken’s introductory work (here, here, and here), I’ve posted my thoughts on his use of the Old Testament. Now I want...