Confused by a Decision: LifeWay, What Gives?

Confused by a Decision: LifeWay, What Gives?

I’m not a huge fan of the methodology, arguments, and thinking of some of Rachel Held Evans. She is provocative and raises important issues, but I find her arguments sometimes less than compelling. She should still be read by anyone interested in issues related...
Confused by a Decision: LifeWay, What Gives?

The Chick-Fil-A Hoopla

So I was going to write a long post about what I thought concerning today’s “Support Chick-Fil-A” reverse boycott. I planned on explaining that I’m sure the intentions of those who started this idea and promoted it and took part in it were...
Confused by a Decision: LifeWay, What Gives?

Themelios is out!

The latest issue of Themelios is out. Lots of excellent articles, essays, and book reviews. Stand outs include: “John Owen on Union with Christ and Justification” “The Earth Is Crammed with Heaven: Four Guideposts to Reading and Teaching the Song of...
Confused by a Decision: LifeWay, What Gives?

Across the Web – 03/13/12

Stanley E. Porter is blogging. This is huge news. If you are into theology and appreciate discussions about Greek, this needs to be added this to your Google Reader. He writes, “In this blog, I will often be discussing—in no particular order and at no particular...
Confused by a Decision: LifeWay, What Gives?

God’s Meticulous Sovereignty in Tornadoes

When tornadoes, storms, floods, or other natural disasters and accidents happen, lots of questions get raised. John Piper, a man I greatly respect and have been blessed by, hasn’t been afraid to address the big questions that arise when they happen. In 2009 a...