Bridging the World of Charismatics and non-Charismatics…
In D. A. Carson's wonderful book, Showing the Spirit, he has these fascinating words: "One begins to suspect, then, that prophecy may occur more often than is recognized in noncharismatic circles, and less often than is recognized in charismatic circles. We may...
A Rejoinder to a Facebook Rant Against Responsible Drinking…
The other day a formerly semi-local pastor posted a public statement that addressed me, the church I serve, and the movement I am a part of. Quite a few things happened since his post went public. First of all, many more people took a look at the article in question....
A Foundational Reason Behind Differing Interpretations of the Bible…
So I've started a class studying Evangelical and Pentecostal hermeneutics. Super enjoyable subject for me because I love the field of biblical interpretation. It's one that is overlooked by quite a few people, so I'm always excited to learn more about it in the hopes...
Chiasm in Genesis 11:1-9 – Working out from the Whole World to the Lord Coming Down, and Back Again
I'm sure this is nothing new for those who work in the field of Old Testament studies, but for me, this was pretty fascinating. I was working through Genesis 11, using BibleWorks, and noticed the Chiasm! A Chiasm (kee-as-‘em) is a literary structure that helps us...
An Interview w/ Marc Cortez on Blogging, Evangelicalism, and the Holy Spirit, pt. 3 of 3
If you've missed part 1 and part 2 of this interview, be sure to check those out. This is the third and final installment of my interview with Dr. Marc Cortez of Wheaton and Everyday Theology. Feel free to share your thoughts or questions in our comment section as...
The Molt Talks About Who is a Theologian…
So the holidays and being sick has totally slowed my blogging down. Plus I've been working on an important paper for grad school. This combination has proven difficult and challenging, but here we are, on Friday... so it's time to hear the Molt. Have you ever wondered...
An Interview w/ Marc Cortez on Blogging, Evangelicalism, and the Holy Spirit, pt. 2 of 3
So I'm a few days behind on getting the rest of the interview with the infamous Marc Cortez up! I apologize. The weekend was busy and the -25 degree weather means my kids have been home and I've been enjoying my time with them! At any rate, last Friday I posted the...
An Interview w/ Marc Cortez on Blogging, Evangelicalism, and the Holy Spirit, pt. 1 of 3
Marc Cortez (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Theology at Wheaton College as well as a doctoral supervisor. In addition to being a cool theology professor, husband, and father, Marc blogs at one of my favorite blogs: Everyday Theology. I love reading his blog because...
Stop the Press! Get these CHEAP Books Immediately!
The following books are currently available for your Amazon Kindle at a very reasonable price. You should pick them up immediately because they are (1) cheap and (2) part of a series that has proven itself time and time again. While it's true that some are better than...
Does Your Community Have an Eye on the Past, Present, & Future?
For the past week or so I've been thinking a lot about what I've been focused on in 2013 and what I'd like to focus on for 2014. I think there are a lot of people probably in the same boat. We're assessing our lives and examining what we have done and what we want to...
An Advent Meditation for 2013
Advent has long been a rhythm built into the church calendar that seeks to remind us of Christ's coming. The Scripture readings create in us longing, hope, anticipation, and preparation. While it is certainly intended to function as a good reminder of the birth of...
God is Pleased With Humble Prayer
The deeper I go into the Scriptures & heart of God, which are so intricately connected, the more I see the beauty and grandeur of God's pleasures. Imagine, if you will, discovering that the "cosmic-kill-joy" that you once considered to be god, became a magnificent...
The Top Ten Books that I read in 2013…
In 2013 I think it's safe to say that I read over 200 books. The fact that I just typed that actually freaks me out a little bit because that means that I averaged reading about 3.85 books a week. Apparently this confirms what everyone suspects: I'm a nerd. Oh well....
Moltmann on the “Logos” of Eschatological Christianity…
So it's Friday night and I'm sitting in the passenger seat while my wife drives us to the mall so that I can buy some Christmas presents. And here I am blogging on portions of Jürgen Moltmann. I love that I can open up Logos Bible Software on my iPad and read the...
Battling Loneliness is Evidence of the Holy Spirit!
Awhile back I did a series called "Peace in the Valley." I took texts that addressed doubt, failure, disappointment, and loneliness in order to provide some "pastoral care" through the messages to people who I may not have a chance to meet with one-on-one. One of the...
Should the Bible have a Warning Sign?
This afternoon I read a thought-provoking statement: I want to put a warning sign on the Bible just like tobacco companies put them on their cigarette packs. The label should say that without guidance, this book can lead to various side effects, such as mental...
Kingdom Come, by Sam Storms (pt. 2 of 5)
In our first look at Sam Storms' Kingdom Come, we considered his five foundational hermeneutical principles. We now turn to chapters two through five, which are as follows: Defining Dispensationalism The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9 and the Old Testament Roots of...
An Interview with Trevin Wax…
We recently reviewed Trevin Wax's Counterfeit Gospels and are excited that he was kind enough to talk with us for a bit and answer some of our questions. We encourage you to check out his blog, Kingdom People. Here's our discussion... Luke: Trevin, thanks for taking...
N.T. Wright & Richard Gaffin on Pauline Theology
[youtube] You're most welcome. This is theology candy to consume. Gaffin and Wright!!!! Two fantastic biblical theologians! HT: Justin Taylor
Celebrating the Life of Nelson Mandela
I just saw news that Nelson Mandela has passed away. Mandela was a giant in my life. I thought of him often and have looked to him as a constant reminder of what being a follower of Jesus looks like. His autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, is a powerful work that I...
Using the Biblical Counseling Collection with Logos Bible Software (2 of 5)
I've been using Logos Bible Software since 2010 and I do not plan on going back. Logos has immeasurable value in my life as a follower of Jesus, pastor, grad student, and avid reader. What used to take hours of time in research now takes minutes, and that is not an...
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