Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.
Backing Up, Building Slow, & Shaping Culture
I am going to be celebrating my six month anniversary as a pastor at the Red Bluff Vineyard in about a week. Wow, time has flown by and I am still absolutely loving the city, the church, and the trout fishing all that surrounds us. That being said, the last six months...
Politics in the Kingdom: On November 9th, Jesus will still be Lord!
According to Captain Snark, our very own Kenny Burchard, the following facts need to be accounted for: "Hi Facebook. Just a gentle reminder that there is only one way for a true Christian to vote. And that way, as expressed and clarified daily right here on Facebook...
Sustainable Revival? Must we kill ourselves in our quest for God’s presence?
What is revival? How do you define this religious experience? The esteemed J. I. Packer suggested that revival is "God's quickening visitation of his people, touching their hearts and deepening his work of grace in their lives." Robert Baird described revival as an...
The “Signs & Wonders” Point to Jesus: “More, Lord!”
This morning I was flipping through one of John Wimber's books and I read the following: I have a prayer, and a vision: The Vineyard — and the Church at large, whatever Christian stream, tribe or family you happen to belong to — breaking through the walls of the...
A “How To” Guide to Celebrating Communion (part 3)
While countless gallons of ink have been spilt on the biblical-theological issues related to the Eucharist, I've found that less work has been done on the "how to" aspect of celebrating Communion. So I started a series laying out a variety of models and issues...
Inviting Millennials to the Spirit, Church, and Mission
Boomers. Generation X. And now the Millennials. Sociologists can be very helpful for church leaders who are interested in understanding large demographic groups. As with all generalizations, these sociological observations are not perfect, but they are often quite...
A “How To” Guide to Celebrating Communion (part 2)
As I interact a lot with pastors and church planters and often am asked how to "do" certain ecclesial activities (things done among the Church), I've noticed over the past few years that many questions I've been asked are how the Lord's Supper should be celebrated in...
A “How To” Guide to Celebrating Communion (part 1)
As anyone who has been in the Vineyard for a bit of time can tell you, there's no such as the Vineyard way of doing a lot of things. Our movement is diverse enough that you'll find a lot of great ways to do things, from a lot of great women and men spread across the...
Everyone Gets to Mother: A Vineyardized Challenge for the Church to be a Community that Nurtures
I grew up with an amazing mom, so celebrating Mother's Day is really easy for me. It's probably easy for many people. But if we’re going to be honest, and I believe that the Church should be a place where speaking truth in love is safe and encouraged… if we’re honest,...
*ALERT!* Mother’s Day Resource: Making Sense of Motherhood: Biblical and Theological Perspectives (a review)
This coming Sunday is Mother's Day and if you are going to be preaching this week, you've probably been looking for some resources that would help you with your sermon. Thus, it only seems fitting to review Making Sense of Motherhood: Biblical and Theological...