Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.
Polemics in Early Church History
Polemics are increasingly avoided these days. This is most likely due to the reality that much "polemical" theology is often done in unloving and prideful ways. Post-moderns hate that. Yet I don't think we should so quickly dismiss the role that polemics can play in...

What is the Holy Spirit’s Purpose in the Church?
In J.I. Packer's Keep in Step with the Spirit, the Spirit is said to have a specific function in the life of the church. As I've been teaching on the Spirit's work and role in the church, I'm struck by how important and equally amazing it is to have both fellowship...
The Pain of a Terrible Schedule
I'm nearly the stage of overload. Last week I had the Society of Vineyard Scholars (SVS). This week I'm teaching on pneumatology at YWAM Northwoods. We're in the process of packing our house and getting ready to move. Frankly, I can't wait until the fall... and it's...

Towards a Vineyard Center-Set Ecclesiology: Is Church Discipline Appropriate?
The Vineyard is a movement that emphasizes that the theology and praxis of the kingdom affects everything. This means that there are implications to every area of theological construct, especially in the area of ecclesiology.Simon Chan notes that ecclesiology is “one...

Why I am “Charismatic” (part 4)
I want to take some time exploring some of the main passages that cause me to remain "charismatic." There are a number of passages that I find extremely convincing toward a Continuationist reading of Scripture, so I'll take a few posts to work through each of them....

Day 6 of Being an Egalitarian
So the week of being an Egalitarian has come to an end. My wife flew safely home and our "roles" seem to be returning to their normal routines... which is a conversation in and of itself. I'll talk about that in a few moments. But I was really surprised, this week....

The “What” and “Why” of Small Groups (4 of 10)
Here's another foundation for small group ministry: "Cut off from God, the human community can choose to receive or reject God’s gracious offering to restore divine-human community. In rejecting intimacy with God, the human community continues in a state of sin,...

Day 1 of Being an Egalitarian
This week I have the chance to put my theology into practice. Monday through Saturday shall be what I refer to as a "study lab." It's a time where my theological views shall be "put to the test." You see, this week the gender distinctions that many Complementarians...

“Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?”, ed. by Hoffmeier & Magary
There are a lot of books that seek to expose problems in the Bible and many others that seek to defend its truthfulness. My shelves are full of books that address issues related to the historicity and truthfulness of the Bible. But there area lot of people, especially...

An Often Overlooked Book by John Stott on the Person of Jesus
Everyone and their mother knows about John Stott's The Cross of Christ. It is certainly one of the best modern works on the Penal Substitutionary perspective on the Atonement and on Christology in general. It simply love that book, and love every single book I have...