Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.

5 Reasons Why Rural Pastors Need to Get Out the Church Office!
I'm fortunate to pastor in a rural church that has a really great building (and it's paid off baby!!!) Okay, sorry. I was getting a little excited there. But along with a nice building, there is a really nice sized office with the title "Pastor" hanging on the door....

Grace, Love, & Fellowship: Trinitarian Qualities
The first year I began pastoring in our community, I had lunch with a guy in the church I was serving. After walking into a restaurant, my friend introduced me to a young man who attended another church in our community. After making some small talk, I remember...

“Give Up My Expectation for Jesus’ Literal Return? No, Sir!”
This morning I was reading through a chapter of The Return of Jesus in Early Christianity and came upon one of the most ridiculous statements I have read in awhile. I know, I know... I need to read more. But just read how ridiculous this statement is: "The central...
Culver on the Purpose of Election
One of my favorite systematician writes: "An examination of some of the relevant passages reaps the following fruit of teaching. Believers have been chosen by God ‘to the praise of his glory’ (Eph. 1:11, 12); to ‘show forth the praises’ of the One who called them (1...

Preparing for Rural Ministry: Contextualize Your Previous Ministry, Training, & Experience
One of the questions raised in the comment section of Able's infamous blog on the 11 mental, emotional, & spiritual challenges unique to rural pastors was a question: "So what advice would you give to someone contemplating leaving a suburban ministry for a rural...

Small Town Pastor: No Feedback IS Feedback!
Being a leader can be really disheartening. The amount of slander and criticism that pastors go through has caused thousands of early retirements, I'm sure. Bearing the brunt of people's focused aggression when you are doing your best to serve God and love people has...

Striking the Balance Between Comfort & False Conversion
As an advocate of what is essentially a Reformed perspective regarding issues related to soteriology, I fully subscribe to the idea that those whom God has chosen for salvation shall, in the end, be saved. I would gladly affirm what the Westminster Confessional...
How Long, Oh Lord, Until You Return?
In preparation for this coming Sunday's message on the four parables of the Olivet Discourse, I read a fantastic statement by Michael Wilkins: "The way one thinks about the Lord’s return will eventually influence what one says and how one acts. Perhaps the servant...

Church Planting Soap Box: Plant a Church Somewhere that Needs One
A few days ago I found out another church had been planted in the local "big city." Yes, I say another in mild sarcasm. But in this city of approximately 66,000 people, there are churches everywhere. I just typed in the name of the city and "churches" and google...
Heinrich Bullinger on Justification
Heinrich Bullinger, the 16th century Swiss Reformer, wrote a book with a typically long title: "The grace of God that justifies us for the sake of Christ through faith alone, without good works, while faith meanwhile abounds in good works." Would you agree or disagree...