Fly Fishing Nor Cal

I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento River

Northern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!

If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters

A Plea to Parents: Teach & Model Church Participation

A Plea to Parents: Teach & Model Church Participation

I don't want this post to come across as passive aggressive, so let me make several clarifications of what this is not: This is not addressed to anyone in particular. I have no individual or couple in mind. This is not intended to manipulate anyone into conforming to...

The “What” and “Why” of Small Groups (8 of 10)

The “What” and “Why” of Small Groups (8 of 10)

An important part of koinonia is that of sharing. Sharing is integral to the Trinity and extremely important within the context of the church. Or, as Icenogle writes, Wherever the person of Jesus calls together two or more other persons, male or female, young or old,...

Dispensational, Covenant, & New Covenant Theology

Dispensational, Covenant, & New Covenant Theology

For anyone involved in the theological schools known as Dispensationalism, Covenant Theology, or New Covenant Theology, you may be interested in reading several reviews of Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants, written by...

Messy Church: No Perfect People Allowed

Messy Church: No Perfect People Allowed

When we envision the kind of church that we want to attend, we often envision clean bathrooms, plush seating, and incredibly sophisticated music performances. We often see the church of our dreams as being made up of people that look like us, talk like us, and have...

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