Fly Fishing Nor Cal

I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento River

Northern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!

If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters

Contextualization in World Missions, by A. Scott Moreau

Contextualization in World Missions, by A. Scott Moreau

While I'm not a missiologist, I am very interested in issues related to missions, evangelism, and contextualization. Not only am I interested in those subjects from a biblical perspective, I'm also interested in how those principles are extracted and then applied. How...

You Might be a Pharisee if…

You Might be a Pharisee if…

Interested in a quick and easy way to reject a person who you don't see eye to eye with? It's quite simple... just call them a pharisee. If you think someone is being "legalistic," than they are just a pharisee. If someone won't embrace the "new move of God," than...

Grudem on the Necessity of Baptism

Now I realize that the concept of Justification and Salvation and Baptism carry a lot of theological "baggage" because, depending upon the tradition you come from, those terms may mean different things. But as a convinced Reformed Protestant Baptistic Continuationist,...

A Basic Overview of the Structure for the Book of Acts

A Basic Overview of the Structure for the Book of Acts

Once I've decided to preach through a book of the Bible, I like to form some sort of a "homiletic outline" that helps me break a book up into sections to preach through. Sometimes chapter markers can be helpful and sometimes they are absolutely misplaced. Thus, it's...

“This Sermon Sucks… What Should I Do?”

“This Sermon Sucks… What Should I Do?”

During my first year of pastoring, we had a guest speaker come and preach for us. He had been the pastor for a couple in our church and had been in ministry for a number of years. Actually, he had a ton of experience. This wise pastor knew that I was brand new to...

The “What” and “Why” of Small Groups (9 of 10)

The “What” and “Why” of Small Groups (9 of 10)

Continuing some foundational reasons to participate in small groups, Gareth Icenogle writes, "The ecclesia are small groups of Christians who are scattered around the world, bound together by a common Spirit. Meeting in all arenas of human systems and organizations,...

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