Fly Fishing Nor Cal

I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento River

Northern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!

If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters

Happy Birthday, You Servetus Killer!

Happy Birthday, You Servetus Killer!

"Go Calvin! It's your birthday! We'er gonna theologize like it's your birthday! Sip dark beer like it's your birthday! Cuz you were predestined to have a birthday!" - Remix to 50 Cent's "In Da Club" One cannot hold to Reformed Theology (Calvinism) without having heard...

“Interpreting the Pauline Letters,” by John D. Harvey

“Interpreting the Pauline Letters,” by John D. Harvey

Pauline theology has long been an interest to students of the Bible. With the interest in the New Perspective on Paul, there's a renewed interest in Pauline exegesis and hermeneutics, though he's been the subject of many-a-scholar's focus for nearly 2000 years. Kregel...

On Pulling Back from “Disordering Liturgies”

On Pulling Back from “Disordering Liturgies”

For the past few months I've been thinking a lot about the implications of what James K. A. Smith has recently written in Imagining the Kingdom. He writes, "Cultural phenomena and systems can be laden with an implicit vision of the good life that is inscribed in the...

Emphasize Discipleship Over and Above “Decisionism”

I don't want to undervalue the necessity of people making a "decision" to follow Jesus as Lord, but I think it's somewhat true that there's a prevalent ideology at work in many churches that simply wants to get someone to "make a profession" or raise their hand as an...

Tough Topics, by Sam Storms

Tough Topics, by Sam Storms

I've been somewhat of a "fan" of Dr. Sam Storms since his contribution to Are Miraculous Gifts for Today, in which he provided the scholarly essay on the Third Wave position to which I hold. Storms has the ability to write for both the scholarly and the popular, a...

A Hermeneutical Influence Often Ignored?

A Hermeneutical Influence Often Ignored?

I've been involved in several conversations as of late about the hermeneutical influences that often shape our reading, understanding, and application of Scripture. As I've stated before, it's quite helpful if we're aware of the types of ideas shaping the way that we...

Creating Memories in the Midst of Remembering

As some of you know, last year my Grandma died. I got to spend a week at her bed-side in Anchorage, AK before she passed away too. In fact, I wrote about "Learning to love like Grandma" when I was with her. I still miss her a lot. Well I'm back in Anchorage helping my...

5 Ways to Winsomely Treat Broken People like Individuals

5 Ways to Winsomely Treat Broken People like Individuals

Assuming that people experience brokenness in a variety of ways, I think it's safe to say that our churches are full of people with issues. They might not admit it, but they have them. You have them. I have them. We all have them. Church is a crazy place full of...

Random Question(s) on Creationism

My oldest daughter and I had a fun conversation this afternoon. She's a 4th grader who is super smart and curious. I have a hard time keeping up with all of her questions. In fact, our new game includes her trying to ask me questions that I don't know the answer to...

Introduction to N. T. Wright: Books You Should Read

Introduction to N. T. Wright: Books You Should Read

I'm often asked by pastors which books by Wright they should read and I used to always refer them to the Christian Origins and the Question of God series because, quite frankly, you can't be into NT studies without having interacted with his works in that series. His...

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