Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.

5 Reasons Why I Dislike Pastor Appreciation Month
So here we are... it's Pastor Appreciation Month. This is the time of year where some congregations take the time to express their gratitude to people serving in ministry. I think I'm supposed to appreciate this appreciation and to champion its cause but I'll be...
God Uses People to Transform Hearts…
Fourteen years ago, little Chloe came into my world. Chloe is my youngest sister. On the day of her birth, we learned that she had down syndrome. The feelings I had were mixed. Being that I knew virtually nothing about downs, I felt a sense of sorrow and loss. Sure, I...
Three Views on God’s Sovereignty & Human Choice hosted a blog presentation concerning the relationship between God's sovereignty and human choice. Able Baker wrote "God’s Sovereignty Over the Details of Human Choice as Seen through the Lens of Imputed Sin," Kenny Burchard wrote, "God, Our...
Towards the Mysterious Will and Use of God’s Providence
A friend of mine was recently telling me about some discussions taking place in a small group that he leads. This summer his inquisitive small group participants have been asking questions related to how a good God could allow evil and suffering. The amazing thing is...

Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on the Urgency of Preachers (& preaching!)
After a great conversation with a friend on preaching, I was reminded of a quote by the good doctor: "... to me the work of preaching is the highest and the greatest and the most glorious calling to which anyone can ever be called. If you want something in addition to...

One Year to Better Preaching, by Daniel Overdorf
Full disclosure regarding homiletics: I am not a fan of the books that provide thousands of sermon illustrations. I own several of them and just find them to be either a bit shallow or hard to personalize. I'm sure some people find them helpful, but in my experience...

5 Ways to Effectively Live in Conflict
Pastoral leadership often equates to conflict resolution. While you may have spent all of your seminary days thinking you'd be sitting in your office writing sermons based on the ridiculously powerful exegetical insights you gained while parsing through different...

Just How “Christian” is Your Worldview?
I've been thinking a lot about worldviews lately. People often talk about the Christian worldview over and against the secular worldview or the Hindu or Muslim worldview. I've actually been thinking about the different worldviews that exist within the Christian faith....

Is the “Living and Active” Word the Bible?
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Heb. 4:12) Throughout my life, I've heard a lot of people...

Meet Kenny Burchard…
I am pleased to announce that has a new contributor: Kenny Burchard! I haven't been this excited since I got married! Wait... okay, I'm not that excited (sorry Kenny!), but I am thrilled that he would be willing to join our contributors! I'd like to...