Fly Fishing Nor Cal
I specialize in fly fishing from a drift boat on the Lower Sacramento or wading the Upper Sacramento RiverNorthern California has some of the best fly fishing in the United States without the crowds that many of the rivers in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska attract. With year-round fisheries for trout, steelhead, striper, and more, it’s hard to imagine a better location for those who love fly fishing!
If you want to get out, you can book me through Confluence Outfitters.
Warfare in the Old Testament, by Boyd Seevers
Two weeks ago I was talking to a young twenty something who classified herself as a "skeptic." Our conversation was about Jesus, faith, church, and the Bible. It was really fun and I think we both were enjoying our conversation. At one point in the discussion, she...
Can a passage of the Bible have multiple meanings?
Everyone reads the Bible with some basic assumptions about how the Bible best speaks. For example, these are the types of questions that people are often thinking of: What did this mean when it was written? What did the author intend for this to mean? How have people...
Exegeting Your Way to Being Left Behind…
We are all aware of the fact that within North American Evangelicalism, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins are considered two of the most influential authors on eschatology, the study of end times. This is due to the fact that the series that they co-authored, and the...
How to be a Good Friend…
The church I serve is blessed to have a wonderful lady named Sara White in our community. She put together a great list of eleven characteristics of a good friend that I thought I'd share with you! Here is her list: Loyal - stick by me in any circumstance. Honest -...
The Results of a “Spirit Filling”
Peter Kirk has some helpful comments regarding some technical notes that Mike Aubrey made, all in relation to Ephesians 5. Mike suggests that we understand the participles of Paul's Greek as pointing us to the results of being filled with the Spirit as opposed to...

On the Molt’s Crucicentric Oversimplification
Years ago, when I first started reading the Molt, I started with his infamous The Crucified God. The following quote stood out: "If it is true that the inner criterion of whether or not Christian theology is Christian lies in the crucified Christ, we come back to...
The Types of Sermons in the Book of Acts
When I was in seminary, I had to read Inspired Preaching: A Survey of Preaching Found in the New Testament, written by C. Richard Wells and A. Boyd Luter. It was actually the first graduate course I had that was related to homiletics but was way different than what I...
Planning Lent w/ Logos Bible Software…
Lent starts tomorrow. For most of my life, Lent hasn't been a tradition that I participate in and I've gone back and forth as to whether or not Evangelicals should participate. I've come to the conclusion that participating in Lent can be a really great way to grow in...

How does the Molt think about Jesus and the Kingdom?
I have a lot of academic interest in Christology and the Kingdom of God. Much of the reading I've been doing lately is related to how the two subjects tend to fit together. The Molt has a fascinating statement concerning Jesus and the kingdom: "The kingdom of the Son...
Thoughts on Leaving Your Church…
Jason Isaacs has written a very interesting post on "How to tell your pastor you're leaving the church." Wow, some very transparent and honest thoughts. He has four words of advice: Don’t say, “It’s not personal.” Instead say, “I know this is going to hurt, but…”...