An Interview w/ John Wimber’s Daughter

An Interview w/ John Wimber’s Daughter

Check out this two part interview I did with Stephanie Ruppe, the one and only daughter of John Wimber. We discuss what it was like having Wimber as her dad, her experience in the early years of the formation of the Vineyard, and lots more! Big thanks to Stephanie for...
Ep 8: Water Baptism & Clark Pinnock

Ep 8: Water Baptism & Clark Pinnock

On episode 8, I had a discussion with Andrew Ray Williams to talk about a sacramental charismatic approach to baptism that takes catechesis serious! This is a great discussion about how we can develop a more robust baptismal practice in the local church. Andrew Ray...
Ep 7: The Best Books on the Subject of Healing

Ep 7: The Best Books on the Subject of Healing

On this episode of the Sacramental Charismatic, I provide a list of some of the best books on the topic of healing (from a charismatic perspective). If you are looking to explore the subject more, this podcast is for you! Luke GeratyLuke is a pastor-theologian living...
An Interview w/ Chris Lizotte on John Wimber

An Interview w/ Chris Lizotte on John Wimber

Check out this interview I did with Chris Lizotte, one of my favorite worship leaders! We discuss his relationship with John Wimber, his music, and the super secret tape of his last recording of John Wimber’s music! Luke GeratyLuke is a pastor-theologian living...
My Interview w/ Carol Wimber

My Interview w/ Carol Wimber

I had the tremendous honor of spending some time with the Wimber family to discuss the ongoing legacy of John Wimber (thanks to Dave & Debbie King!). Over the course of several days, I sat down with Bob Fulton, Tim Wimber, Stephanie & Danny Ruppe, Chris...