The Language of Bad Leadership: 3 Phrases to Avoid

The Language of Bad Leadership: 3 Phrases to Avoid

A few years ago I attended a meeting being led by two people who served in a leadership role within our church. There were about ten of us sitting around a table and I thought our meeting was going to be focused on strategic planning and a chance for us all to kind of...
The Language of Bad Leadership: 3 Phrases to Avoid

10 Signs You are Dealing with a Theological Troll!

The art of trolling has long been perfected by a select group of people who reside on the Internet. It happens in just about every circle of Internet interaction, but I’m especially keen to recognizing when trolling happens of the theological variety. In fact,...
Mission Equates to Church Planting

Mission Equates to Church Planting

Similar to what I argued recently about how a disciple making movement becomes a church planting movement, I was scanning through portions of one of my favorite books ever written… Total Church, by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. If you do not own this book, stop...