The following books are currently available for your Amazon Kindle at a very reasonable price. You should pick them up immediately because they are (1) cheap and (2) part of a series that has proven itself time and time again. While it’s true that some are better than others, for the most part they are all worth owning. Without further adieu, here you go:
Believer’s Baptism, edited by Tom Schreiner and Shawn D. Wright ($4.99). As far as I’m concerned, this is one of the best books on the subject of Baptism that’s out there. It takes a baptistic view (Credo Baptism) meaning that it suggests that baptism should be reserved for people who have made a decision to follow Jesus and have been born-again. It makes a great exegetical case for this as well as has an interesting essay on the early church’s non-united perspective on baptism by Steven McKinion. For $4.99, you can’t go wrong with that.
Enthroned On Our Praise, by Timothy M. Pierce ($4.99). This is an Old Testament theology of worship that has tremendous ideas related to the subject of worship. I think every single “worship leader” should pick up a copy and thicken their biblical theology. Furthermore, I’d suggest that it has a lot of ideas that could help us as we think about liturgy and interact with the work that James K. A. Smith is doing. It’s really fascinating.
God’s Indwelling Presence, by James Hamilton ($4.99). Anyone who reads my posts regularly will know that I’m a huge fan of Hamilton. I’ve reviewed a number of books of his (here and here) and have a forthcoming interview with him. He’s one of my favorite biblical theologians. God’s Indwelling Presence was how I cut my teeth on Hamilton and is, to this day, one of my favorite books on the Holy Spirit. It, along with the work of G. K. Beale, has influenced my pneumatology and soteriology in significant ways. Get this book ASAP.
Lukan Authorship of Hebrews, by David L. Allen ($4.99). Truth be told, I have yet to read this, though I obviously have a copy in my kindle. I’ve heard mixed reviews about it but I can’t help but acknowledge the fact that Allen is a great scholar and the thesis needs to be considered. I’ve long been convinced that Hebrews has a Pauline influence upon it, though I’m not happy with the typical arguments for Hebrews being written by a single author and favor an approach that views it as the product of a Messianic Jewish team. Perhaps Allen will convince me differently as I plan to read Lukan Authorship of Hebrews this year.
Sermon on the Mount, by Charles Quarles ($4.99). Though I own this, I haven’t cracked it open much. That’s something that needs to change. In fact, back when I preached through much of the Sermon on the Mount, I wish I’d have had this as a resource. Quarles is to be commended because he makes the Sermon on the Mount matter. Anyone who has read a lot on the Sermon the Mount will know that a great deal of scholars over the past hundred and fifty years (and more!) have rendered the Sermon on the Mount as far too tame. What I have read in this volume has been quite good and the list of recommending scholars should encourage you to pick up a copy too!
That You May Know, by Christopher Bass ($4.99). Back in 2008, I picked this up. My opinion is as follows: Love it. Buy it. Yes, it’s that simple. Anyone interested in understanding Assurance, specifically from a Reformed Evangelical perspective, needs to get Bass’ work. In many ways, it was like reading a scholarly devotional. It’s not often that one reads a scholarly book and has to pause to reflect and properly honor God. Bass’ work in this volume does just that. His work on the Johannine epistles and how they encourage and shape our undersatnding of assurance is the most convincing work I’ve read. How can you know you are saved? What does a person who has been saved exhibit in her/his lifestyle? Bass does a splendid job of covering these subjects and many more. Get this book ASAP.
The End of The Law, by Jason Meyer ($4.99). If you have any interest in Covenant Theology or Dispensationalism, you’ve likely heard of this “new” position called New Covenant Theology. With the publication of Kingdom through Covenant and much of the work of Thomas Schreiner and James Hamilton, a lot of people are talking about New Covenant Theology, especially those who are inclined toward the Reformed Baptist identity. Meyer’s work on the Law is splendid and should be considered. His focus is primarily on Paul’s understanding and use of the Law.
The Lord’s Supper, edited Tom Schreiner and Matthew R. Crawford ($4.99). Okay, I think this is a good book. Not great, but good. I’d have given it a much better rating if it didn’t basically overlook a position that is historically and theologically far richer than apparently the author’s acknowledged: the Reformed Spiritual Presence view. It almost seemed as if the authors were simply attempting to respond to the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Lutheran views on the Eucharist. Sure, there’s a chapter dedicated to it but it is, quite honestly, not very convincing. Okay, so I’ve laid my cards on the table. Despite these criticisms, this is a good book. Most of the essays are good and represent well the Memorial view that’s typical of most Baptists. For $4.99, you can’t really complain too much, right?
The Messianic Hope, by Michael Rydelnik ($4.99). This is one of those books that I own that I haven’t even touched. The publisher explains the book as follows: “In The Messianic Hope, book six of the New American Commentary Studies in Bible & Theology series, Jewish Studies professor Michael Rydelnik puts forth a thesis that the Old Testament was intended by its authors to be read as a messianic primer. He explains at length how the text reveals significant direct messianic prophecy when read in its final form.” Sounds good to me!
The Ten Commandments, by Mark Rooker ($4.99). I’ve only skimmed through Rooker’s The Ten Commandments but I’ve liked what I’ve read. It’s kind of a “biblical theology” of the Ten Commandments in that it survey’s the OT and NT and demonstrates how the author believes the ethics of the Ten Commandments show up elsewhere. I’d like to spend more time reading this, especially as a companion to the aforementioned book by Jason Meyer, The End of the Law.
HT: Take Your Vitamin Z.

Luke is a pastor-theologian living in northern California, serving as a co-lead pastor with his life, Dawn, at the Red Bluff Vineyard. Father of five amazing kids, when Luke isn’t hanging with his family, reading or writing theology, he moonlights as a fly fishing guide for Confluence Outfitters. He blogs regularly at and regularly contributes to his YouTube channel.
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