Watch a pastor quit his job…

Watch a pastor quit his job…

[vimeo 76313780 w=560 h=315] I can’t say that I’ve ever watched a pastor quit his job, so this is a first. With that being said, if I ever quit my job, I hope I come across half as gracious and hopeful as these two do. Praying for you, Kenny and MaryJo!...
What is Sacramental Ecclesiology?

What is Sacramental Ecclesiology?

One of my favorite works addressing Evangelical ecclesiology is found in The Community of the Word. It has several fascinating essays toward an Evangelical ecclesiology, including one written by Ellen T. Charry, “Sacramental Ecclesiology.” She writes,...
Watch a pastor quit his job…

3 Guiding Principles for Planning Your Worship Liturgy

Bob Kauflin has some good advice for those who are stuck in-between the complex arguments of those who embrace the regulative principle and those who do not. In his widely read and well respected book, Worship Matters, Kauflin offers three guiding principles for...
5 Reasons Why I Dislike Pastor Appreciation Month

5 Reasons Why I Dislike Pastor Appreciation Month

So here we are… it’s Pastor Appreciation Month. This is the time of year where some congregations take the time to express their gratitude to people serving in ministry. I think I’m supposed to appreciate this appreciation and to champion its cause...