Displeasing God: Signs of a Really Bad Day

Displeasing God: Signs of a Really Bad Day

One of the saddest moments in the Old Testament is found when the Lord tells Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them.” (1 Sam. 8:7) Every time I...
Revelation, by James M. Hamilton Jr.

Revelation, by James M. Hamilton Jr.

My collection of commentaries is probably out of hand. I own all of the NICNT, Pillar, New American, Baker New Testament, Tyndale, NIV Application, Baker Exegetical, and many others. Okay, it’s not out of hand at all and I’m giddy when I think about...
Displeasing God: Signs of a Really Bad Day

Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics is coming!

Logos has announced that Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics is being translated into English under the watchful eye of Richard B. Gaffin (Westminster Theological Seminary). This should be pretty awesome. Vos’ Biblical Theology and Pauline Eschatology are...
The Holy Spirit As the Agent of Refreshment

The Holy Spirit As the Agent of Refreshment

This past Sunday I started teaching a new series called, “Baggage: Learning to Let Go.” We’re spending the month of March exploring how God frees us from our past as well as discussing how important it is to work through things that we carry around...