by Luke Geraty | Jun 20, 2009 | Posts
There’s an interesting post @ Desiring God – America’s Debt to John Calvin. Piper writes some interesting thoughts here regarding Calvin’s influence on American culture and democracy as a whole, based on lectures by Abraham Kuyper (Lectures on...
by Luke Geraty | Jun 19, 2009 | Posts
I’m thinking along the lines of the Lord’s disciples’ prayer. Yeah, Jesus didn’t sin so the model or pattern of Luke 11:1-4 is clearly a pattern that followers of Jesus should be praying and we should all stop referring to it as the...
by Luke Geraty | Jun 18, 2009 | Posts
Some things are very timely. I just read an interesting bit of advice from Kevin DeYoung, author of Why We’re Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be. DeYoung gives nine steps to follow when you are concerned about issues in your local church (DeYoung’s...
by Luke Geraty | Jun 15, 2009 | Posts
For quite some time I’ve been reading various people’s thoughts on the contemporary use and non-use of pulpits. There are some interesting thoughts out there, from both sides of the issue. And while I’ve been reading, I’ve been thinking a lot...
by Luke Geraty | Jun 2, 2009 | Posts
Andrew Faris has written the shortest review of The Shack that I have read (my thoughts on the book are here). He says, If I was an egalitarian, arminian, open theist who was rather confused about the trinity and about justification, and who had no concern about...
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